Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Lewis, J. Patrick. 2004. Scien-Trickery. Harcourt Books. New York, New York. ISBN 0152166815

Lewis creates a fun set of science riddles in this book. The readers listen to or read the poem and have to guess what science term is being described. The illustrations are great clues to help readers if they can’t figure out the term by listening and are fun to look at because they are colorful and eye-catching. Most of the poems rhyme which creates a great read aloud. At the back of the book is a “Notes” page where more information about the terms is included. This would be a great way to start a new science unit and have students make a list of the facts they learned from that poem. Then as the unit progresses students could add to their list. This would also be a great review of science terms before TAKS since the terms mentioned in the poems are learned throughout the elementary years.

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