Saturday, March 29, 2008

Island of the Blue Dolphins

O’Dell, Scott. [1987] 1960. Island of the Blue Dolphins. Bantam, Doubleday Dell Books for Young Readers. New York, New York. ISBN 0440439884

This is the story of a young girl, Karana, who lived all alone on The Island of the Blue Dolphins for many years. It is based upon the real life story of a 12 year old girl who was left on an island for eighteen years. She was left alone when her tribe jumped aboard ships and migrated away. Karana was on the ship until she noticed her brother was still on the island and no one would go back to get him. She knew she couldn’t leave her brother all alone so she jumped off and headed back. Soon after they were left all alone Karana’s brother was attacked and killed by the wild dogs. Karana waits for the day that another ship will come and rescue her but in the meantime she makes friends with wild animals, avoids her enemies when they come ashore to hunt otter, and sets up her own house with all of the things she needs to survive. This is an amazing story of courage, perseverance, and love.

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